I have a job interview coming up that requires knowledge of digital circuits and Verilog. Of course I’ve already forgotten everything I learned in ECE253 so I’ve decided to make some notes as a post for review.
Part 1: Logic Circuits
Logic Expressions and Logic Gates
transistors are essentially on (x = 1) / off (x = 0) switches
can imagine them as a varying value resistor
we can make a simple circuit using the switch and a lightbulb:
Simple connection of a light switch to battery.
if x = 1, then L = 1; if x = 0, then L = 0
i.e. L(x) = x
this is an example of a basic logic function/expression
Basic Logic Gates: AND, OR, NOT
AND: two switches in series
Logical AND circuit.
- L turns on only if both x1 and x2 are 1 - i.e. L = x1 * x2 - ‘*’ means AND
OR: two switches in parallel
Logical OR circuit.
- L turns on if either or both x1 = 1, x2 = 1 - i.e. L = x1 + x2 - ‘+’ means OR
NOT: switch and light in parallel
when x = 1, L = 0; x = 0, L = 1
i.e. L = !x
Truth Tables
tables that display inputs and outputs of a logic function
e.g. truth table for AND and OR:
Truth table for AND and OR.
Logic Gate Circuits
also called “gate level schematics”
logic gate circuit symbols for AND, OR, and NOT:
Logic gate circuit symbols.
Boolean Algebra
an effective means to describe logic circuits
consists of a set of rules derived from axioms
0 * 0 = 0
1 * 1 = 1
0 * 1 = 1 * 0 = 0
if x = 0, !x = 1
Duality: we can swap 0 with 1 and * with + in a logic expression and it will remain the same
Rules derived from axioms
Terminology and Notation
Literal: any variable or its complement (e.g. x, !y)
Product term: synonym for AND
Sum term: synonym for OR
Sum of products (SOP): an OR of ANDs (e.g. xy + !x!y)
Minterm: a product term that evaluates to 1 for exactly 1 row of the truth table
Canonical SOP: SOP expression for a function that comprises ts minterms
Maxterm: sum term that is 0 for exactly 1 row of truth table
Canonical POS: product of sums (POS) expression for a function that comprises its maxterms
for ANY given function, we can cover its 1s using SOP or its 0s using POS
every SOP circuit can be implemented as NAND-NAND, i.e. NAND gates are functionally complete (can implement all logic functions)
every POS circuit can be implemented as NOR-NOR
say we design a circuit that controls a light f from either of 2 switches, x or y (called data inputs)
the switch that selects x or y is controlled by input s (called the select input)
if s = 0, f is controlled by x; else y
logic function: f = !sx + sy
this logic circuit is called a 2 to 1 multiplexer (MUX)
we can have multi-bit wide multiplexers as well
Exclusive-OR and Adders
XOR: f = !xy + x!y
in Verilog: f = x^y
when one of the inputs is logic 1, the output is inverse of second input
XOR representations.
Binary Addition
circuit component called “full adder” that performs binary addition
takes 3 inputs: x, y, and c_in (carry in)
2 outputs: s (sum) and c_out (carry out)
logic function for c_out = xy + xc_in + yc_in
c_out = 1 if two or more inputs are 1
logic function for s = c_in^x^y
s = 1 if there are an odd number of inputs that are 1
3-bit ripple carry adder:
performs addition of 2 3-bit numbers
the carry (c_out) can ripple from least significant bit to most significant bit
Verilog Introduction
example: 2 to 1 MUX
module mux2to1(x, y, s, f);
input x, y, s;
output f;
assign f = (~s & x) | (s & y)
end module
keywords in Verilog:
module – kind of like function declaration
end module – ends the module declaration
input/output – specifies input/output signal
assign – kind of like variable assignment; assigns a logic expression to signal but think of it as wiring up signals to produce a continuously driven value
assign statements occur concurrently so order of assign statements doesn’t matter
the signal names inside the brackets after the module name are the name of input/output ports of the module
to actually build this on the DE1-SoC board, we need to map the signal/port names to the actual switch and LED components on the board
say we use switch 1 and 0 for x and y, switch 9 for s, and f to appear on LED 0:
module mux2to1(SW, LEDR);
input [9:0]SW; // the [9:0] tells us SW is 10 bits long
wire x, y, s, f;
assign s = SW[9];
assign y = SW[1];
assign x = SW[0];
assign f = (~s & x) | (s & y)
assign LEDR[0] = f;
end module
wire data type that represents intermediate signals – can think of them as literally physical wires connecting signals
Hierarchical Verilog
similar to functions in programming
example: we will create a full adder, then use instances of it to create a 3 bit ripple carry adder:
module FA(a, b, cin, s, cout);
input a, b, cin;
output s, cout;
assign s = a ^ b ^ cin;
assign cout = (a & b) | (a & cin) | (b & cin);
end module
/* this is a top level module -
- it uses FA module within and no other modules use adder3 in them */
module adder3(A, B, cin, S, cout);
input [2:0] A, B;
input cin;
output [2:0] S;
output cout;
wire c1, c2;
FA U0(A[0], B[0], cin, S[0], c1);
FA U1(A[1], B[1], c1, S[1], c2);
FA U2(A[2], B[2], c2, S[2], cout);
end module
Introduction to FPGAs and CAD Tools
for most chips, function is fixed at the time of manufacture
Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are configurable by user
programmable hardware – can implement any digital circuit
cheaper than custom chips in moderate volume
implementing logic in FPGAs:
often done with look-up tables (LUTs) – hardware implementation of truth table, has small memory that holds output values for each input combination
CAD – computer aided design tool to turn HDL into bitstream
More Verilog Examples
2 to 1 MUX 2-bit
module mux2to1-2bit(X, Y, s, F);
input s;
input [1:0] X, Y;
output [1:0] F;
assign F[1] = (~s & X[1]) | (s & Y[1]);
assign F[0] = (~s & X[0]) | (s & Y[0]);
end module
note: we must assign an expression to each bit of F individually because s is only 1 bit, while X and Y are 2 bits
Verilog will turn s into a vector (like X and Y) by adding zeros
this won’t work properly if s is 1
we could use bit concatenation {} to make a vector:
i.e. F = ({~s, ~s} & X) | ({s, s} & Y)
Introduction to Karnaugh Maps
Karnaugh Map: type of truth table used to easily minimize logic expressions – minterms that can be combined to form a term are adjacent
4 variable K-map.
K-Map Terminology
Implicant: a product term P is an implicant of boolean function F if P imples F, i.e. F = 1 whenever P = 1
Prime Implicant (PI): an implicant that can’t be accounted/covered for by a more general (fewer literals) implicant
Essential PI: a PI that covers at least 1 minterm not covered by any other PI
Cover: any set of implicants that cover all minterms of a function – describes the function, always want to find minimum cost cover
cost = # gates + # inputs
product terms that cover more adjacent cells are cheaper
Procedure for Finding Min-Cost Cover:
Find PIs
Identify essential PIs and include in the cover
Choose other PIs as needed until all minterms are covered such that # of literals is minimized
don’t always choose largest group of 1’s – some special cases where choosing smaller groups end up being cheaper
Don’t Cares
sometimes we know specific values of inputs won’t occur, or if they do, we don’t care what output is produced in those cases
e.g. a 7-seg display can only show up to decimal 9, which requires 4 bits to represent in binary, but 4 bits can represent up to 15 in decimal, so for input numbers 10-15, it doesn’t matter what the output of the 7-seg display is since we know it will never happen
Part 2: Sequential Circuits
Combinational Circuits: output only determined by present input
Sequential Circuits: output determined by present and previous inputs
allows us to store information
RS Latch
think of an alarm clock – need to be able to set it off and also reset it
RS = reset/set
memory circuits have feedback loops in the circuit since they need to reference previous values in the circuit
RS latch: cross coupled NOR gates
RS latch circuit and characteristic table.
when S = R = 0, the output of their NOR gates will be the opposite of the other input, so we’ll either have Q = 1 and !Q = 0, or Q = 0 and !Q = 1
when you reset the latch (R = 1), the output Q will be 0 no matter what
when you set the latch (S = 1), the output !Q will be 0 no matter what, and given that R = 0, then Q = 1 (alarm is set off)
when you set S = R = 1, both Q and !Q equal 0 – this violates the purpose of Q and !Q
is bad and can lead to oscillations in Q and !Q
if you simultaneously turn S and R to 0, it causes Q and !Q to both change to 1, but if they’re both 1, they must be 0 since they are each other’s inputs, but if both 0 then they are 1…
Gated D Latch and the Clock Signal
add a clock input (square wave) to RS latch to disable/enable it
AND the clock input with the R and S input so when clock = 0, R’ and S’ are 0
when R’ and S’ are 0, the value of Q and !Q are stored
Gated SR Latch.
we can also represent the circuit using only NAND gates
Gated D Latch
if we let D = S, !D = R, we can avoid the S = R = 1 case, and have created a gated D latch:
Gated D Latch.
D is the “data input”
when clock = 0, Q’s value is stored
when clock = 1, Q follows D
New Verilog Statements for Sequential Circuits
always block, if-else, case
example: multiplexer – s == 0 ? f = x1 : f = x2
module mux(x1, x2, s, f);
input x1, x2, s;
output reg f;
always @(x1, x2, s) // the sensitivity list (inside the brackets)
if (s == 0)
f = x1;
f = x2;
end module
the always block is a procedural block – statements inside of it are executed sequentially
the sensitivity list gives us the signals that can directly affect assignment mode in always block – always block is executed whenever a signal in the sensitivity list changes
often written as “always @(*)” for combinational circuits, where * means wildcard
any signal assigned a value in an always block must be declared as type reg
some types of statements (if/else, case) must be written in always block
example: 7 seg display for numbers 0-9:
module seg7(SW, HEX0);
input [3:0]SW;
output reg [6:0]HEX0;
always @(*)
4'b0000: HEX0 = 7'b1000000;
4'b0000: HEX0 = 7'b1111001;
4'b1001: HEX0 = 7'b0010000;
default: HEX0 = 7'bxxxxxxx;
end case
end module
note: default clause covers the cases that were not accounted for – very important to include since without it, the compiler will generate latches and things will potentially not behave the way they should
D Flip Flops
similar to gated D latch, except Q will only change on clock edges
D flip flop.
case 1: clock = 0, then Qp = D, Q = Q(t-1) (stored value)
case 2: clock -> 1, Q = Qp = D
basically when clock rises to 1, the value of D at that moment is stored
Verilog for Sequential Circuits
The D latch:
module D-latch(D, clk, Q);
input D, clk;
output reg Q;
always @(D, clk)
if (clk == 1'b1)
Q = D;
notice how no else clause is used – a latch is automatically created, i.e. Q is stored if clk != 1’b1, though this is probably bad practice
D Flip-Flop:
module D-ff(D, clk, Q)
input D, clk;
output reg Q;
always @(posedge clk)
Q <= D;
end module
notice D is not included in sensitivity list this time because changes in D’s value don’t directly change value of FF
we refer to signals going from 0 to 1 as positive (rising) edge (posedge) and 1 to 0 as negative (falling) edge (negedge)
we use “<=” to assign values in FFs
one FF can only store 1 bit of information
register: a set of n FFs used to store n bits of information, all sharing the same clock signal
e.g. 8-bit register in Verilog: essentially same as an FF but D and Q are 8 bits long
module reg8(D, clk, Q);
input [7:0]D;
input clk;
output reg [7:0]Q;
always @(posedge clk);
Q <= D;
end module
T-Flip Flops, Counters
useful abstractions for counter designs
T-flip flop circuit.
T-flip flop characteristic.
at rising clock edge:
if T = 0, Q(t) is stored
if T = 1, !Q(t) is stored
essentially T FFs toggle when T = 1
3-bit counter
we can use T-FFs to make a sequential counter (000, 001, 010, etc.)
count advances at each rising clock edge
3-bit counter table.
notice Q0 toggles every cycle
Q1 toggles when Q0 = 1 in previous cycle
Q2 toggles when both Q0 = Q1 = 1 in previous cycle
example of a 4-bit counter:
3-bit counter circuit.
see how in this circuit:
Q0 always toggles
Q1 toggles when Q0 = 1
Q2 toggles when Q0 AND Q1 = 1
for Qn, T = Q0 * Q1 * Q2 * … * Q(n-1)
3-bit counter with “enable”
when “enable” input = 1, count as usual; if enable = 0, stop counting (hold/store value)
enable is ANDed with the inputs of the FFs so if enable = 0, the inputs into the FFs are 0
3 bit counter with enable and parallel load
allows you to preload counter with new value D2, D1, D0
3-bit counter circuit with parallel load capability.
module upcount(R, resetn, clock, E, L, Q);
input [3:0]R;
input resetn, clock, E, L;
output reg [3:0]Q;
always @(posedge clock, negedge resetn)
if (!resetn)
Q <= 4'b0000
else if (L)
Q <= R;
else if (E)
Q <= Q + 1 // addition
end module
note: adding 0b1111 + 1 should equal 0b10000, but since Q is only 4 bits, it will overflow and will equal 0b0000
3 bit down counter
Q0 toggles every cycle, Q1 toggles when Q0 = 0, Q2 toggles when Q1 and Q0 = 0
Resets and Sets on Flip Flops
we want to make a positive edge triggered FF with active low synchronous reset
active low: 0 state causes reset
synchronous reset: reset happens on clock edge
we can achieve this by ANDing reset input with the D input so that when reset = 0, the input into the FF is 0
in Verilog:
module dffreset(D, resetn, clock, Q);
input D, resetn, clock;
output reg Q;
always @(posedge clock)
if (resetn = 1'b0)
Q <= 1'b0;
Q <= D;
end module
active low asynchronous reset: reset can happen anytime (not just on clock edge)
module DFF-resetn(D, resetn, clock, Q);
input D, resetn, clock;
output reg Q;
always @(posedge clock, negedge resetn)
if (resetn = 1'b0)
Q <= 1'b0;
Q <= D;
end module
Part 3: Finite State Machines
Introduction to Finite State Machines
general model of any sequential circuit:
General structure of sequential circuit with input w and output z.
the present state is represented by y1…yk
the next states, Y1…Yk, are a function of input w and present state y1…yk through a combinational circuit and are stored in FFs (1 FF needed for each bit)
the output z is a function of present states y1…yk through a combinational circuit
to design a sequential circuit 1. State Diagram 2. State Table 3. State Assignment 4. State-Assigned Table 5. Synthesize Circuit
Example state diagram.
Example state table for the state diagram above.
note: a series connection of D-FFs is a shift register – shifts bits through the registers on rising/falling clock edge
general structure of an FSM in Verilog has 3 sections:
State table
module FSM(w, clock, resetn, z);
input w, clock, resetn;
output z;
reg [2:1] y, Y;
// can parameterize states here as well
parameter A = 2'b00, B = 2'b01, ... ;
// state table (deciding next state based on present and input) using case statement
always @(w, y)
A: if (w) ... else ...
B: if (w) ... else ...
// FFs -- making y = Y or resetting
always @(posedge clock)
if (!resetn)
y <= A;
y <= Y;
// FSM Output
assign z = ...
end module
1 Hot Encoding
using 1 bit to represent each state
e.g. 4 states can be represented by only 2 bits, but with 1 hot encoding:
A: 0001, B: 0010, C: 0100, D: 1000
can create logic expressions for next states Y1…Yk and output z by simply inspecting state diagram (sometimes table not needed)
this creates different circuits than if we had only used different numbers for different states, but has the same functionality
Shift Register
for FSMs detecting patterns, we use shift registers
e.g. detect last 3 values of w; if 101, then z = 1
Part 4: Digital System Design
Signed Numbers and Adder/Subtractor Unit
to represent negative numbers, we use 2’s complement representation
quick way to find 2’s complement: flip all bits, then add 1
4-bit Adder/Subtractor Unit
single unit to add AND subtract:
subtracts if input sub = 0 (otherwise adds)
Adder/Subtractor Unit.
if sub = 1, the XOR gates will flip the y bits and the c_in will add 1 in order to convert y into negative
if sub = 0, the y bits remain the same and the unit adds
Bus Structure
suppose we have a digital system with n-bit registers, and we want it to be able to transfer data between registers
to do this, we connect each register to a common set of n wires, used to transfer data into and out of the registers
these wires are called a bus
it is necessary to ensure that only one register acts as a source at any given time
Tri-State Driver/Buffer
in practical situations, outputs of logic gates cannot be connected together because a short circuit would result if one gate forces 1 while the other forces 0
therefore, if the outputs of two registers need to be connected to a common set of wires, we use a tri-state driver/buffer
Tri-state driver/buffer.
essentially a switch, but when e = 0, the output is electrically disconnected from the data input w, referred to as a high impedance state denoted by Z
Implementing a Bus
Using tri-state drivers to implement a bus.
the data outputs of each register are connected to tri-state drivers
if selected by their enable signals (R1out, …, Rkout), the drivers place the corresponding register’s contents onto the bus wires
each register also has an enable input (R1in, …, Rkin) which when set to 1, allows its contents to be changed on the next active edge of the clock
in real systems, other types of circuit blocks would be connected to the bus, controlled by the control input “Extern”
the entire structure is called the datapath
the signals that control the flow of data through the datapath (e.g. R1in - Rkin, R1out - Rkout, Extern, etc.) are generated by the control circuit/FSM
the control circuit could perform a number of functions, e.g. transferring data from one register to another, adding, etc.
the input signal “Function” specifies a task which tells the control circuit what signals to produce
the control circuit and registers are all controlled by the same clock signal
Introduction to Processors
an example of a simple processor:
Simple processor.
Operations performed in the processor.
the specific operation to be performed at any given time is indicated by the control circuit input “Function”
an operation is initiated by setting w = 1
when operation is completed, the control circuit outputs “Done” = 1