== regiszhao ==
Currently trying to pass third year.


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Hi, my name is Regis!

I’m an undergraduate student at the University of Toronto studying Engineering Science, majoring in Electrical and Computer Engineering. When I’m not drowning in school work, I find myself busy with things like playing volleyball, piano, and taking photos.

Some things I’ve been working on lately

School. :(

What I do for fun

Why make a website?

  1. I think it’s cool.
  2. I kinda want to use this to keep a blog – like an online life journal kinda thing.
  3. Providing the slim chance that one day some hiring manager will stumble across this thing and believe that I’m qualified for a job.
  4. It’s fun!

Contact me

I’m always open to discussing new ideas, opportunities, or simply chatting, so feel free to contact me as well!