== regiszhao ==
Currently trying to pass third year.

Hi, my name is Regis!


More or less what I look like.

I'm an undergraduate student at the University of Toronto studying Engineering Science, majoring in Electrical and Computer Engineering. When I'm not drowning in school work, I find myself busy with things like playing volleyball, piano, and taking photos.

Recent Posts

Digital Circuits and Verilog Review

work school
I have a job interview coming up that requires knowledge of digital circuits and Verilog. Of course I’ve already forgotten everything I learned in ECE253 so I’ve decided to make some notes as a post for review. Part 1: Logic Circuits Logic Expressions and Logic Gates transistors are essentially on (x = 1) / off (x = 0) switches can imagine them as a varying value resistor we can make a simple circuit using the switch and a lightbulb: Simple connection of a light switch to battery. Read more...

University Notes

Taking high quality notes is crucial towards any student’s success in EngSci. I’m proud to say that I do in fact take notes! … some of the time. Needless to say, I am still working on the “high quality” part. Anyways, here I provide a non-extensive collection of notes I’ve taken and labs I’ve written in EngSci courses, in the miraculous case that a fellow struggling EngSci thinks these are useful. Read more...

SickKids Internship

I worked at The Hospital for Sick Children in Dr. Adam Shlien’s lab as a full-stack web developer this past summer (2022) and I thought it would be nice to reflect on my experience. What I did For some background, cancer is and has been diagnosed mainly through pathology. Dr. Shlien’s lab is working on developing software that classifies/diagnoses based on RNA-Sequencing using machine learning. To go along with the paper that they submitted, they wanted to create a that allows anyone to upload a gene sequence and use the software tool they developed. Read more...

Trip to BC

This past summer, my family and I went on a trip to British Columbia for a week in mid-August. I’ve been there before, but I was like 8 years old at the time so I have minimal recollection of what happened and what things looked like. Main highlights of the trip: Panorama Ridge, UBC, and East Hastings St LOL. Panorama Ridge Quite possibly the most beautiful, breath-taking place I’ve been so far in my life. Read more...


Hi, my name is Regis! I’m an undergraduate student at the University of Toronto studying Engineering Science, majoring in Electrical and Computer Engineering. When I’m not drowning in school work, I find myself busy with things like playing volleyball, piano, and taking photos. Some things I’ve been working on lately School. :( What I do for fun Volleyball I play 9-man in the summer Music Piano (currently learning Rachmaninoff Piano Sonata No. Read more...

First post

This is my first post on my new website. I thought my old one was a bit too CSS/animation-heavy for my liking, way too poorly coded, and Brian kept telling me Hugo was the play. So here I am trying to make a new website using Hugo (I also spent 6 months of my life trying to learn vim because of him lol).
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